
Graduate Program @ Groupe SEB Testimony

Hugo Audigier

Can you introduce yourself?


My name is Hugo AUDIGIER, I'm 25 years old and I grew up in Grenoble.

I studied at the INSA engineering school in Lyon for 5 years: first in integrated preparatory classes in an international section with links to Latin America, then in the Industrial Engineering department.

During my studies, I did several international experiences: in Costa Rica for a humanitarian internship and in England for a university exchange.


How did you find out about Groupe SEB's Graduate Programme?


During my studies, I work on a project with Groupe SEB. I really liked it, so I applied to join the Group for my end-of-studies internship.

I was hired to work in the methods department at the Calor plant in Pont Evêque, where irons are produced. It was during this experience, by talking to my colleagues and asking around, that I discovered the Graduate Programme.


Why did you apply?


I've always wanted to learn, discover and challenge myself. The international dimension has always played a big part in my life and I wanted to keep this in my work.

The Groupe SEB Graduate Program combines:

  • 3 complementary rotations during which you can learn, discover 3 professions and quickly evolve. In just 2 years, you develop a 360-degree vision of the sector in which you work.
  • Experience in France and abroad to discover new cultures, learn to work differently and quickly adapt to our environment.

As a result, we're well prepared to take up a responsible position after the program.


What did you think of the candidate’s path? 


The selection process was organised in 3 steps:

  • A traditional HR interview to get to know each other.
  • A more detailed and selective HR interview to test our potential to join a graduate programme (our vision of the Group, the programme, the international dimension, our ability to speak English, etc.).
  • An assessment day with about 4 final candidates per programme composed of individual and group exercises to challenge us in various situations. It ends with an interview with the potential future manager and an HR officer. 

It's very easy to integrate into the group and to create cohesion with the entire Graduate promotion, around 5 people each year. We all come from different backgrounds and career paths, which makes it easier to learn to new ways of thinking and working.

During my Graduate Program I was able to discover 6 different countries and work with 12 of the Group's factories:

  • My first 1-year assignment was based at the global headquarters in Ecully as Industrial Performance Manager. I was trained in production line performance, and worked directly in several plants in France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.
  • Then, I did my two 6-month rotations abroad:
    • The first was based in German-speaking Switzerland, where I realized an End2End diagnostic of all the factory's processes (from raw material purchasing to delivery to the customer). It enabled to draw up an action plan with projects over 3 years, to transform the plant's processes to better meet current needs.
    • The second mission took place in Colombia, near Medellin, and focused on transforming the plant's production planning processes.


In your opinion, how does the Groupe SEB Graduate Program differs from others?


This program is a real career booster. It enables you to build up a strong network within the Group in France and abroad and to develop a solid set of technical and interpersonal skills for your professional and personal life. I'll always remember the people

I met over the last 2 years: people with different visions and cultures who saw me evolve and, above all, support me throughout my career..


How do you see your career path in the coming years?


I've just taken over the management of a production workshop employing just under 100 people. The job is in Rumilly, in the main factory of the TEFAL pots and pans.

It's a job full of challenges in which I'm going to learn a lot, particularly about management.

After that, I can look forward to other responsible positions within the Group, which will enable me to evolve in France or abroad. The aim is to continue to grow and to be supported by the Group so that I can develop and be more confident.


Can you share a highlight from your Graduate Program?


The most memorable moment was in Colombia, where, both professionally and personally, the mix of cultures generated powerful experiences that have influenced my vision of work and human exchanges throughout my life.


What skills were you able to develop thanks to the Graduate program ?


The Graduate Program enabled me to meet people at all levels of the hierarchy: this enabled me to adapt very quickly to my environment and popularize information to share them effectively at all levels.


What advice could you give to future candidates to be selected and make an impact on their career path?


The success skills in the Groupe SEB Graduate Program are: curiosity, humility, proactivity and positivity. Groupe SEB has a family culture which is still strong today: it is important to get to know the people you're working with to be able to work together more effectively.